Wednesday, May 8, 2013

BARUGANAN: "Philippine Politics... Juan's Perspective."

Months back Politicians were very busy jumping from one political party to the other... these politicians are called political butterflies... hopping from one flower to the other, and to the other... and to the other... LOOKING FOR SOMETHING BETTER... FOR SOMETHING JUICY AND SWEET!?

Political Butterflies are the root cause of political instability, and political instability engenders poor economic growth if not economic fall down… THINK!

Vote buying, deployment of goons, and the use of guns are signs of political immaturity. These three are called 3Gs’ and are synonyms of Philippine electoral process. By not defying this tradition one should stop complaining about poverty and government neglect and abuses after all you yourself is partly to blame… How much is your vote worth?

Sad to say, the people who complain the most are the people who sell their vote for a measly amount of money. Shall I say “GABA na!” or pray for them… that one day they will come to realize the consequence of their action. Vote “NOT” for the politicians who will shell out a few pesos in exchange for your right to benefit from their services… in exchange for your right to fight poverty… in exchange for your right to denounce paucity… in exchange for your right to live a reputable life… YOU DESERVE BETTER THAN A SQUANDERER!... YOU DESERVE A MUCH BETTER… PRICELESS LIFE! 

After the 1896 revolution against Spanish colonialism, the Philippines emerged as a nation; its fledgling politico-economic elite’s governing experience was limited to collecting tax. On the other hand, the United States showcases the American style democracy… the importance of the democratic governance. I don’t know what country introduces corruption and the kind of system presently enjoyed by a few who benefited from it but a nightmare to the many who are living penniless and homeless.

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