Monday, April 1, 2013



It is time! It is time … now is the season for political bickering. Politicians are expected to apply their tricks; their lessons learned – the all-left-foot dancing style, the karaoke talent, the all-smile-always scenario, the constant hand waving and hand shaking, and the worst the heavenly promises and lies. Politicians are badmouthing each other, making the electoral process more of a mockery and showdowns, shameful to the eyes of the educated few but heroic to the many misguided and misinformed. Promising the moon and the stars are common context of their speeches, and endowment with blinding gift or gifts in the hope for more votes are usual practices. When are we going to learn?

Some are like angel, a savior, a prophet… like somebody holding the world, and believing self is the only way out and the best there is… whimsical and cynical are some of these creatures… It is time! It is time to wake up and stay awake… It is time to heed the call of conscience… It is time to cut apart the fiction from fact… It is time to make a distinction and set apart the twisted from the straight. Let the ills of our country be the guiding principle in choosing our Servants. Yes, indeed, SERVANTS during campaign, but MASTERS when get elected.

Many made political mastery their career, the elective position their profession and income generating sources to define their livelihood. Many are beginners and doesn’t even have something worthwhile to call their own and yet very brave in offering help when they have nothing to present but only political name and the backing of their political gods. WHY not choose somebody who made a name out of sweat, who has proven to be efficient and resourceful, who has the backing not by his gods but by his credibility and achievements.

Many deserve, but don’t know the “How’s” of politics and many doesn’t have interest at all. If only people would see it differently, vote not by the smiles, vote not by the dance, vote not by the song, vote not by the political name, vote not by their political gods, vote not by their goons and guns, vote not by their gold… then, and only then, perhaps deserving people who does not have political background, who does not have political appetite, and those who does not possess the TRAPOs’ talents (mentioned above) will throw their hats in the political arena. Then, it will be good for our Country… It will be better for our Community.

I am a Catmonanon by birth, blood, and by heart whose endurance for political maturity amongst its constituents, whose hope for peaceful and honest election, whose desire for a greater country… for a greater Catmon… until now… remains a dream. God Help Us!

San Guillermo Help Us! Amen.

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